Moms, you can certainly verify this. You’ve seen it happen when your child smiles at a stranger. It’s magical, isn’t it? The person’s entire face lights up! You can see that your child’s smile has touched and transformed them. The effect can be momentous, changing the direction of their day or their life.
But what about you? Do you realize your smile has the same life-changing potential? Perhaps some crooked teeth or misalignments make you self-conscious about smiling.
This is where Nashville Invisalign can help. Invisalign braces can correct problems of spacing, crowding, and bite.
The Invisalign System involves wearing customized clear plastic trays over your teeth. These “aligners” gently move your teeth into the correct position. Gluck Orthodontics is at the forefront of Invisalign technology, using digital impressions rather than traditional molds. These impressions are uploaded to the Invisalign program, which creates a 3-dimensional image of your teeth. Dr. Gluck will then design a treatment plan which will predict the movements your teeth will make with the aligners.
The aligners are worn throughout the day, except when you eat, floss, and brush. Every 2 weeks, you’ll upgrade to a new set of trays. Gradually, your teeth will be directed into the proper position, and you’ll see your beautiful smile emerging.
You’ll visit Dr. Gluck approximately every 3 months, to make sure your treatment is progressing well. In about 1 year, you’ll have the smile you’ve always dreamed of.
Some people feel discouraged by even needing braces. If this is you, here’s one of our orthodontic quotes to give you a “lift.”
“Now, most dental chairs go up and down, right? The one I was in went backward and forward. I thought ‘This is unusual,’ and the doctor said to me, ‘Mr. Vine, get out of the filing cabinet!’ – Tim Vine.
Contact Gluck Orthodontics today. Our skilled, compassionate group will have you smiling throughout your visits. Call us at
(615) 269-5903 to make an appointment for your initial examination.
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